I am NOT a professional photographer

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about my photography. To be more specific, I’ve been thinking about my approach to it, the amount of hours I should dedicate to it, how should I communicate what I do. Should I post more photos? Should I post in Threads? Should I make reels? Should I…?

There have been some major changes in my life in the last couple months. I left my job and started in a new one. But the new one is in a different city so the first few weeks were chaotic. Getting up at 4.30 a.m., commuting 128 km, working 8 hours, commuting back home, eat, sleep, repeat.

Now we are already settled in the new city, Warsaw. I told my girlfriend that this is the last time we move at least in a long while because we have moved a lot in the last 5 years (Barcelona, Madrid, Wroclaw, Lodz and now Warsaw) and it finally takes a toll.

Anyways, these recent events changed my routine. I needed to be more focused on my real job, the city center is just a little further away than the city center in the previous city so I can’t go on foot anymore, I lost a little bit of my ‘mojo’ if you know what I mean.

So I invested some of my time embarking myself on an inwards journey. And I reached this simple conclusion:

I am NOT a professional photographer.

But hey, wait a sec. What does that mean? What does that imply? Am I a joke as a photographer???

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

I am not a professional photographer. My life doesn’t depend on my output as a paid photographer. I have no deadlines, I have nothing to prove, I can go ‘silent’ for a while, I can do exactly as I please because I have no masters. And that is wonderful. That is sheer bliss.

But to not be a professional photographer doesn’t necessarily mean that you are no REAL photographer.

I follow a lot of real photographers on Insta that have 9-to-5 jobs (or any other type of jobs for that matter) hence they are not professional strictly speaking and their work is amazing, inspiring, full of meaning, artistic, thoughtful…

I guess if someone paid me to take photos that would be great, but the fact that I do this ‘just for fun’ doesn’t undermine my passion, doesn’t take away my vision and my thoughts on the matter. I still wanna get better, take better photos, share my work with others, experiment with different settings both on-camera and in post, explore more topics, play with other rules or breaking the rules…

I honestly think that I feel more ‘open’ than ever having come to the realization that I am not a pro.

No one expects anything from me, so it’s just me, my camera and my vision. And that can go a looooong way.

Here are some photos of my last photowalks in Warsaw:

zachod slonca warszawa
Warszawa Centralna
Varso Tower Warszawa
Teatr Narodowy Warszawa
Hala Mirowska Warszawa
Stare Miasto Warszawa Old town
warsaw scene street photography
black and white warsaw
Monument Warsaw City


Every day can be a new beginning


Photos from Warsaw